Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I wish I had more to update

I wish I had more to update, but I really have not worked on the car much this whole summer.  Just been driving it!  I had a few small problems, but nothing that sidelined me for more than a day.  One of my chargers died, good thing I have two of them!  It's a burned fuse holder, an easy fix I think, but I haven't taken it to anyone to look at yet.  For now I'm just sticking with the other charger.  The downside is that it's a very slooooow charger, but it works OK.  I also had a wire break in my charging cable, that was also a quick fix (cut off and replace a plug).  I also have some weirdness in the power door locks, and one of the rear windows doesn't always work, but those are just 15 year old car problems, not related to it being electric.

Just for kicks, I went online to the PG&E website and compared our electric usage and costs for September 2011 (the last month before I started driving the EV) to September 2012.  Our electric cost went from $145 last year to $199 this year.  So instead of spending $238/month on gas, I spent $54 on electricity.  A $184 savings!  This assumes 10k mile/year, $4/gallon gasoline, and 14mpg which is what I used to get in the Odyssey in around town driving (the car the Saturn replaced).

Here's a picture of my car at a public charging station nearby.  As of now most of these are free (well, not really free I guess, since taxpayers paid for them and their electricity, thank you everyone!) and I plug into them every once in a while if I happen to be there anyway.  There's only one on our city, but 4-5 within 20 miles or so one city over.  Once I get a higher power charger (it's hardly worth it right now, three hours of charging only gets me about 10 miles of range) I plan to use the charging stations more often.

Yes, it needs a wash...